
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

7 Minutes of Heaven and Hell

Entry: six hundred forty-nine.

Yesterday, between 02:00 and 03:35 was combat heaven in Delve.

Within a few minutes of flicking on the neocom, the call for support came across the Delve intel channel.

[ 02:00:36 ] Shiro She > nyx tackled  K-6K16 Solar System
[ 02:00:48 ] Zealot Hill > ????????
[ 02:00:48 ] Doctor OGT > NYX IN K-6
[ 02:01:13 ] Shiro She > nyx tackled K-6
[ 02:01:33 ] Tauron Torres > freindly nyx or hostile?
[ 02:01:33 ] Max Paralax > ours or hostile?
[ 02:01:36 ] Ahhaa > coming
[ 02:01:43 ] Doctor OGT > HOSTILE!
[ 02:01:44 ] Hakawau > hostile
[ 02:01:47 ] Zealot Hill > owmw
[ 02:01:51 ] Naternine > fleet up for it?
[ 02:02:01 ] Naternine > omw too
[ 02:02:15 ] Gyrn Fzirth > x for nyx kill
[ 02:02:18 ] Truen1ght > x
[ 02:02:20 ] Bo Bojangles > link the nyx pilot
[ 02:02:22 ] Naternine > x
[ 02:02:22 ] Hakawau > Hot Drop O Clock Drake/Cane

Within minutes the support fleet had formed up on the jumpbridge in F20Y-, and then bridged into K-616. The order was given to warp to the D-3 gate, and upon arrival there was only a friendly Thanatos wreck in the way of capital ships and a Goon Dominix at the gate. We partook vengeance on the Dominix, which still had aggression and was waiting out the timer to jump. He didn't stand a chance.

We spent some time covering the gate while, apparently, some more capitals were trying to get out of system, before heading back through the jumpbridge to join a new fleet. The Nyx in question, piloted by Zungen, had apparently not been tackled, and had warped off and cloaked when local spiked against him.

About five minutes after leaving K-616, I reshipped to an Artillery Hurricane. Commands were being yelled over the new comms in the new fleet about who to primary and where. Without hesitation, I undocked and warped to F20Y-. I, unfortunately, missed out killing this Hurricane, and initiated warp to the only other gate in system when the order was given to align to the sun, where the hostiles were warping out to. TEST and Goons had formed a fleet to destroy the fleet just prior to this, where we had been covering for capitals, and had planned to cut us off at the 1DH- gate in F20Y-.

FC: "They're jumping? Everyone jump into 1DH! JUMP JUMP JUMP GET POINTS!"

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.

FC: "Did anyone see where they warped to?...PR? Warp PR and jump through, get points! Destination broadcast. We'll chase them a few jumps and if we don't catch anything, we'll turn around."

Computer: "Programming route to Y-2ANO."


No kills resulted from the chase, and the fleet had stopped in 1DH- to reship, I myself switching from the Artillery Cane into the trusty Crusader. Intel reported a Black Legion gang in  1-SMEB, and the FC had us move to 6Q-R50. We stopped in A-E on the 6Q- gate while the FC jumped in and scouted the situation for us. He reported that nothing was on the A-E gate, nothing that they were towards the 1-SMEB gate in their Sniper Munnin gang, and seconds later they landed at range on the A-E gate.

We jumped 1DH- and warped to PR- to chase an FCON frigate gang roaming around, but we didn't manage to get any of them pinned down for the kill.

The fleet warped back to the A-E gate in 1DH- just as Black Legion jumped in. As I landed, warp bubbles were up everywhere and Black Legion was fairly well spread out, making fighting them a real issue for our tacklers and long range Battlecruisers.

FC ordered the jump into A-E, and Black Legion followed shortly after we wasted a Romanian Legion Lachesis trying to escape Black Legion.

What followed was seven minutes of heaven and hell, in A-E on the 1DH- gate.

Computer: Begin playback from 03:19:00.


Sytem: A-ELE2
Region: Delve
Sovereignty: The Blood Raider Covenant
FC: Lucian James

[ 03:19:37 ] Orbiting quiet death (1000m)
FC: "Ca in a Scimitar! Broadcast!"
[ 03:19:39 ] Lucian James (Gila) has started trying to warp scramble "Casu Adywe (Scimitar)"
[ 03:19:42 ] You have started trying to warp scramble Casu Adywe (Scimitar).
[ 03:19:45 ] Your group of Dual Light Pulse Laser II barely scratches Lucius Thrawla (Muninn).
[ 03:19:50 ] Orbiting the amen break™ (2500m).
[ 03:19:56 ] Hobgoblin II's belonging to Lucius Thrawla hit you.
FC: "Next! Fe in a Munnin! Broadcast!
[ 03:19:57 ] Nijal Lun has started trying to warp scramble "Fel Istrom (Muninn)"
[ 03:19:58 ] Fel Istrom's Munnin explodes.
FC: "Sp in a Scimitar! Get points on the Scimitars!"
[ 03:19:59 ] Dethmourne Silvermane (Lachesis) has started trying to warp scramble "spongyguy24 (Scimitar)"
[ 03:20:00 ] Astalia Black [(Drake) has started trying to warp scramble "Mfume Apocal (Muninn)"
[ 03:20:00 ] Hobgoblin II's belonging to Lucius Thrawla hit you.
[ 03:20:00 ] P8REIT Munnin explodes.
FC: "Sh Munnin Broadcast!"
Me: "Overheat repper and activate!"
Computer: "Activating."
[ 03:20:03 ] Lucian James (Gila) has started trying to warp scramble "Shaulla (Muninn)"
[ 03:20:04 ] Hobgoblin II's belonging to Lucius Thrawla hit you.
[ 03:20:05 ] yunofitebrackregion? is too far away to use your Warp Disruptor II on, it needs to be closer than 24,000 meters.
[ 03:20:07 ] Parnasas (Lachesis) has started trying to warp scramble "Imperator Trajanus (Scimitar)"
[ 03:20:10 ] Rocco Sidesack (Hurricane) has started trying to warp scramble "Ghostn9e (Muninn)"
Computer: "Warp Drive active. Warp tunnel will collapse at unknown location. Armor restored, deactivating repair module."
FC: "Sh down! New Primary!"
[ 03:20:36 ] (info) This person is either not a member of your fleet or not present in this solar system.
Me: Shit, he must have been podded..."
Computer: "Warp Drive active. Approaching 1DH-SX stargate in A-E."
[ 03:21:00 ] From Corp Chat: "Lost my Stiletto True, coming back in my Hound."
[ 03:21:13 ] You cannot do that while warping.
[ 03:21:18 ] The Corp is too far away, you need to be within 33750 meters of it but are actually 44859 meters away.
[ 03:21:25 ] The Corp is too far away, you need to be within 33750 meters of it but are actually 61964 meters away.
[ 03:21:35 ] Parnasas (Lachesis) has started trying to warp scramble "Dogs Huntin (Hurricane)"
[ 03:21:42 ] The Corp is too far away, you need to be within 33750 meters of it but are actually 97325 meters away.
[ 03:21:49 ] The 35M is too far away, you need to be within 33750 meters of it but are actually 91695 meters away.
[ 03:22:05 ] Orbiting Dick Thor (500m)
FC: "Seraphim primary!"
[ 03:22:10 ] The Seraphim Tai'Shan's is too far away, you need to be within 33750 meters of it but are actually 41611 meters away.
[ 03:22:12 ] Orbiting Seraphim Tai'Shan's (500m)
[ 03:22:28 ] Hobgoblin II belonging to Lucius Thrawla hits you.
[ 03:22:29 ] Your group of Dual Light Pulse Laser II places an excellent hit on Seraphim Tai'Shan (Muninn).
[ 03:22:32 ] Hobgoblin II belonging to Lucius Thrawla hits you.
[ 03:22:33 ] Dual Light Pulse Laser II deactivates as Seraphim Tai'Shan's begins to explode.
[ 03:22:33 ] Orbiting Mummy (20000m)
Me: "Overheat repper and activate!"
Computer: "Activating."
[ 03:22:39 ] Warrior II's belonging to BigChols hits you.
Computer: terminate recording.
[ 03:22:43 ] Warrior II's belonging to BigChols heavily hit you.
[ 03:22:47 ] Warrior II's belonging to BigChols heavily hit you.
[ 03:22:50 ] The Munch 2 is too far away, you need to be within 33750 meters of it but are actually 42317 meters away.
[ 03:22:56 ] Nijal Lun (Drake) has started trying to warp scramble "Addrake (Muninn)"
[ 03:22:58 ] Warrior II's belonging to Hexman hit you.
[ 03:23:01 ] 720mm Howitzer Artillery II belonging to FearBytes barely scratches you.
[ 03:23:03 ] Warrior II's belonging to BigChols heavily hit you.
[ 03:23:06 ] Warrior II's belonging to Hexman hits you.
[ 03:23:10 ] DJB16 (Rapier) has started trying to warp scramble "Lucius Thrawla (Muninn)"
Computer: "Warp Drive Active. Small Armor Repairer II requires 40.0 units of charge. The capacitor has only 37.7 units. Deactivating. Exiting Warp. Warp Drive Active...Warp Tunnel collapsing near Lucian James."
[ 03:24:10 ] slasher99 (Rifter) has started trying to warp scramble "Lilith Suspiria (Muninn)"
Computer: "Warp Drive Active."
[ 03:24:19 ] Small Armor Repairer II requires 40.0 units of charge. The capacitor has only 16.6 units.
Computer: "Warp Drive Active."
[ 03:24:42 ] The yunofitebrackregion? is too far away, you need to be within 34375 meters of it but are actually 55119 meters away.
[ 03:24:55 ] Orbiting BRAWLER (15000m)
[ 03:25:00 ] Warrior II's belonging to Hexman hit you.
[ 03:25:00 ] 720mm Howitzer Artillery II belonging to muhadin barely scratches you.
[ 03:25:04 ] Warrior II's belonging to Hexman hit you.
[ 03:25:08 ] Warrior II belonging to muhadin and Hexman heavily hit you.
Computer: "Warp Drive Active."
[ 03:25:11 ] Interference from your warp prevents your systems from functioning at this time.
Computer: "Warp Drive Deactivated."
[ 03:25:13 ] You have started trying to warp scramble Estar Tarns (Muninn).
Computer: "Warp Drive Active...armor restored. Exiting warp. Warp Drive Active. Exiting warp near Lucian James."
Me: "Warp to the selected wreck."
Computer: "You are unable to align or warp to the selected object because your warp drive is unable to lock onto it."
[ 03:26:47 ] Approaching Corticarte
[ 03:26:50 ] Approaching Corticarte
[ 03:26:53 ] Warrior II belonging to Hexman places an excellent hit on you.
[ 03:26:57 ] Warrior II's belonging to Hexman and muhadin strike you perfectly.
FC: "They're warping out! Grab points!"
???: "They're gone."
FC: "Ok guys, good fight in local. Two minutes to loot the field. Start with the yellow wrecks, then the white, pop anything you can't take. I'm not going to leave them anything. Give back white wreck loot if you can."


[ 03:29:18 ] Jumping to Stargate (A-ELE2) in 1DH-SX solar system


  1. Sounds like some awsoemly fun times

  2. I was only online from 1:30-4, and that took up almost all that time. From 2-3:30, it was pretty much non-stop, definitely one of the best PvP days I've ever had.
