
Monday, September 27, 2010

Returning to Known Space

Day 276:

It's been a bad two days since my last kill, that one Iteron Mark III I snuck in under a swarm of 20 mostly battlecruiser and cruiser sized ships. Since that I time, I managed to get blown up twice, in two different Hounds, and my corporation has taken down its W-Space POS.

On the first Hound loss, we were chasing a shuttle that had come into our space. Some new capsuleer, of course, and he got lost I think since he was asking if there was anyone in the system. Unable to probe him out, I found him using Dscan, but couldn't match his speed while cloaked. The guy had enough sense to fly in any direction at full speed, so I had to decloak and attempted to overtake with an overloaded MWD. Of course, he saw me, and warped away close to planet VII. As it turned out from using directional scan, he had warped into a Sleeper site, and like a fool, I warped to zero on the Sleeper site. I arrived cloaked, warped right by his wreck without realizing I got de-cloaked, and was summarily blown to hell by the Sleepers.

So my corpmate, who was trying to kill him also, warped to me to pod the new guy. Naturally, just as he exits warp IN THE SLEEPER SITE he disconnects, in his Crow. Jebus almighty, talk about Murphy's Law. He reconnects as quickly as possible, launches a few defender missiles while podding the guy, and manages to escape with his ship barely intact.

After this incident, I run out, buy a new Hound, and fit it up. I move into the Class 4 adjoining our system, and go afk while cloak orbiting another Class 4 entrance. I come back in a few minutes to see a Buzzard probably jump through. Like a fool, once I jump through, I orbit the hole at 2500m UNCLOAKED. I see a wormhole transit from the previous system and continue doing what I'm doing. Thus, without fail, a Thorax de-cloaks, I attack while screaming like a little girl running away, and he rips my spine out of my ass, the hard way, with Hobogoblin II's.

Thankfully, I had the presence of mind to warp away, as opposed to trying to make a run for the hole. I made it back to my original system holding a wet blanket and a set of female eyes tatoo'ed on my lower back. I went out and bought another Hound, fitted it up, and declared myself unfit to fly a spaceboat for the rest of the day.

The next day, I log on to find that we're taking down the Tower because the corp has had it with running sites and the lack of PvP (probably that last more the rest I think). By the time I logged on, half the tower was dismantled and most of the ships had been shipped out to Hi-sec. Not everyone managed to get out either, so Moph and maybe Aelith stayed behind to scan people a way out when the time comes, if it comes, say, before these people get blown to hell by new occupants. I doubt that WH will stay unoccupied for very long.

So right now, we're looking for a Null space home, a Null space alliance. We have a tower, with a decent setup, and we don't wanna get smashed by Pandemic Legion at the outset. Hauling all of this through Low sec will suck big balls. I guess ideally we'd want to jump it in, but I'd not want to do that and broadcast our location via cyno. We might end up using cov ops cynos, but still....

Yup, it's been a rough few days. The corp actually almost dismantled itself today over moving to null, because some people REALLY wanted it and some people are reluctant, probably because of a bad experience I think.

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